I have been involved in the network “Navigating Knowledge Landscapes (NKL)” for many years now and I am happy to announce, that we have published a dataset regarding collected narratives on strategies, ethics and public response of COVID-19 national vaccination processes in an appropriate repository, Mendeley Data, allowing it to get DOI, be cited, and as an Open Access resource available for research purposes: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/bwdf6v5wgr.1
Here is the full publication reference with 27 NKL members as co-authors:
Kopilaš, Vanja; Buzas, Norbert; Carmesund, Ulf; Ceausu, Iuliana; Chenhall, Richard; de Freitas, Cláudia ; Machado, Helena; Lhotska, Lenka; Lundin, Susanne ; Mali, Franc; Martinelli, Lucia; Nardoni, Maruška; Nasadyuk, Christina; Palant, Alexander; Sahinol, Melike; Senior, Kate; Shim, Jiwon; Silva, Susana; Spahl, Wanda; Svalastog, Anna Lydia; Svensson, Ann; Šribar, Renata; Todorović, Zoran; Troein, Margareta ; Vidmar, Matjaz; Webb, Helena; Gajovic, Srecko (2022), “The collection of narratives on strategies, ethics and public response of COVID-19 national vaccination process written by members of scholarly association Navigating Knowledge Landscapes Network”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/bwdf6v5wgr.1