2019: „Standing Working Group: Iran and Beyond- Breaking the Ground for Sustainable Scholarly Collaboration (IRSSC). Performance of Culture, Religion and the Body as Strategies for Self-Empowerment in the Islamic Republic of Iran“, Orient Institute Istanbul, Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Dr. med. Raoul Motika, Co-PIs Dr. med. habil. Judith Haug, Dr. habil. Robert Langer, Dr. Melike Sahinol (as part of large scale research project Knowledge Without Borders: Internationalisation, Networking, Innovation in and by the Max Weber Stiftung, funded by the BMBF).
2016: International conference: Upgrades of Nature, Future Bodies: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives, Principle Investigator (secondary investigators: Raoul Motika, OII and Arianna Ferrari, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT)), cooperation partner ITAS-KIT, funded by: Fritz-Thyssen Foundation.
11/2012 – 01/2013: Processes of Blurring Boundaries in Medical Procedures and Practices through Medical Innovations – A Comparative Analysis“, Principle Investigator, funding by research cluster “Transformation of contemporary societies“ of University of Duisburg-Essen.
2008-2013: Ph.D. fellowship in the project “TRANSDISS- disciplinary research in transdisciplinarity” which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (D).
August 2011: 4S Fellow (Society for Social Studies of Science) at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory | European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBL|EMBO) Science and Society Summer School „The Human Animal: Scientific, Social and Moral Perspectives“, Heidelberg (D).
Fall 2009: Fellow at the Programm „Science, Technology and Society“, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge (MA).
2008-2011: Stipendiary, doctoral student and member of the Postgraduate Programme “Bioethics”, a Research Training Group of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the International Centre of Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW), Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (D).