My research assistent Burak Taşdizen and I are very proud to announce that our article titled “Medicalised Masculinities in Turkey and Iran: The Eigensinn of Hair in Hair Transplantation” has been published in the Special Issue “Medicalised Masculinities – Somatechnical Interventions” of the Journal Somatechnics. Abstract Growing cultural enthusiasm for cosmetic surgery and the techno-medical […]
Month: April 2021
new publication: “Contested Daily Routines, Contested Care. Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Covid-19 Times”
My colleague Gülşah Başkavak and I are very proud to announce that our article submitted in October 2020 titled “Contested Daily Routines, Contested Care. Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Covid-19 Times” has been published in the Special Issue of the Childhood Vunerability Journal. We are immensely proud and thank the Editors-in-Chief Sabine Andresen, Gill […]
new publ/ yeni yayın: Sosyo-Biyo-Teknik Bakım Kompleksi: Tip 1 Diyabette Dijital Sağlık Takibi / Socio-Bio-Technical Care Complex: Digital Health Tracking in Type 1 Diabetes (Şahinol, M. and Başkavak, G.)
Our peer reviewed article “Socio-Bio-Technical Care Complex: Digital Health Tracking in Type 1 Diabetes” has been published in the Journal for Sociological Research’s special issue on „Contested Bodies in Turkey: Transformation of Body, Health and Society through Techno-Medical Interventions.“ We would like to thank the reviewers for their careful reading, thoughtful comments and efforts towards […]
“Türkiye’de Çekişmeli Bedenler: Tıp Teknolojisindeki Gelişmelerle Dönüşen Beden, Sağlık Ve Toplum” özel sayımız Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi’nde yayında / Special Issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey“ has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research
Our special issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey: Transformation of Body, Health and Society through Techno-Medical Interventions“ (guest editors: Melike Şahinol & Gülşah Başkavak) has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research. The development of this special issue involves a long process of reflection and discussion. The birth of the idea began in September […]