It’s official. In fall 2021 I will substitute Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber at the Department for Media Studies at the University of Paderborn as part of a guest stay. With this context, I am preparing four Seminars at the intersection of Media/Digitalization, Medicine, Posthumanism and Disability Studies:
- Cochlea-Implantate, bionische Prothesen und andere assistive Technologien. Digitale Medien und Teilhabe im Kontext von Behinderung (GER)
- Technik ist Politik mit anderen Mitteln: Schlüsselwerke der Science & Technology Studies (GER)
- Self-tracking, telemedicine and artifical ingelligence. On Digitalization and Health (ENG)
- Cyborgs, Roboter und andere posthumane Entitäten (GER)
I hope to share the syllabi with you soon. There is definitely still room for literature or a guest lecturer. If you would like to give a talk as a guest lecturer, I would love to hear from you. Or would you like to share an exciting paper of yours? Then please send a DM to me.
I am looking forward…
CC BY-SA: Melike Şahinol, image of a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) session of my brain (TMS is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain)