Very happy to have contributed to this great piece, as a lot of great people from both the art and science worlds have contributed to this book. This makes me all the more pleased to announce the book launch, which could not be taking place in a more fitting location:
Modified: Living as a Cyborg
Edited By Chris Hables Gray, Heidi Figueroa-Sarriera, Steven Mentor
(Routledge, 2021)
March 7, 1 pm to 2:30, Pacific Standard Time
Book Launch!!!
Virtual. Some day… in person! But meanwhile, we are having our first “Book Launch” as part of the annual Social Fictions Conference (#SFC2021), sponsored by Crown College, University of California at Santa Cruz. This year the theme is “Crisis and Opportunity.” And, since it is virtual, we can have an international cast:
Angeliki Malakasioti, Athens, Greece
Ángel Gordo, Madrid, Spain
Steven Mentor, Santa Cruz, California
Dion Farquhar, Santa Cruz, California
Sandra P. González-Santos, Mexico City
Elif Ayiter, Istanbul, Turkey
Christ Hables Gray, Santa Cruz, California

Registration is encouraged but not required. Visit the SFC Web Site ( for links to all events, including the Modified Book Launch.
Come to the whole Social Fictions Conference,
March 5 to 7—a play, movies, panels, provocations!