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Davetiye “Nükleer Enerji ve Toplumsal Sağlık” (Pınar Demircan) @pnrizumi Çarşamba, 26 Şubat, 19h #OrientInstitut #InsanTıpToplum #ToplumsalSağlık #NükleerEnerji

Gelişme ve kalkınma hedefleriyle uyumlaştırılan nükleer enerji üretimi, negatif dışsallıkları bağlamında tartışmalı bir konudur. Dünya genelinde Çernobil Nükleer Felaketi ve ondan 25 yıl sonra meydana gelen Fukuşima Nükleer Felaketi nedeniyle nükleer enerjiden çıkış eğilimi oluşmuşsa da  başta Türkiye olmak üzere bazı ülkeler ilk defa nükleer santral sahibi olmayı planlamaktadır. Bu çalışmayla  nükleer zincirin bir halkası […]

Vacancy: Research Associate at the Orient-Institut Istanbul – Standing Working Group Iran and Beyond: Breaking the Ground for Sustainable Scholarly Collaboration (IRSSC)

The Orient-Institut Istanbul is currently seeking a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher to work on a project in the framework of the Standing Working Group Iran and Beyond: Performance of Culture, Religion and Body as Strategies of Self-Empowerment in the Islamic Republic Iran for the following position, available immediately (April, 1 2019): Research Associate (90%), 37 hrs / week […]

Check it out: “Human, Medicine, and Society” Research at the Orient-Institut Istanbul

Human, Medicine and Society at the Orient-Institut Istanbul New types of medical innovations enable previously unknown interventions into the nature of man. Culturally different interpretations and modes of behavior affect the handling of these fundamentally new challenges for society, culture, law, and politics. Genome editing, eugenics programs, modern reproductive technologies, and health apps that analyze […]

19.4.: Medical Humanities Discussing Bodily Enhancement (Rainer Brömer, Istanbul University Medical Faculty)

Medical Humanities Discussing Bodily Enhancement Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rainer Brömer, Istanbul University Medical Faculty, Dept. for History of Medicine and Ethics date: Wednesday, 19 April, 7PM UTC+02 location: Orient-Institut Istanbul, Susam Sok. 16, D. 8, Cihangir-Istanbul We encourage you to share this invitation with people you know who may be interested in attending this event. […]

Conceptions of Contagious Diseases among Early Modern Ottomans (Sara Nur Yıldız), Wednesday, 12 April, 7PM, OII

How did Ottoman physicians conceive of epidemic diseases and pestilence and their relationship to contagion? This talk addresses this question through the examination of a medical text composed by Mehmed IV’s (r. 1648-1687) head physician, Ḥayātīzāde Muṣṭafā Feyżī the Elder (d. 1692), or Moshe ben Raphael Abravanel, as he was known before he converted to […]

20.03.2017, Orient-Institut Istanbul: Sunum İptali, Cancelled Talk, Vortrag fällt aus

20 Mayıs  2017 sunumu “Yardımcı üreme tekniklerinin sosyokültürel etkileri (Prof. Dr. Ramazan Mercan)” elimizde olmayan sebeplerden dolayı iptal edilmiştir. 20 March 2017 talk “Yardımcı üreme tekniklerinin sosyokültürel etkileri (Prof. Dr. Ramazan Mercan)” is cancelled due to given circumstances. 20. März 2017 Vortrag “Yardımcı üreme tekniklerinin sosyokültürel etkileri (Prof. Dr. Ramazan Mercan)” fällt aus gegebenem Anlass […]

tmr 7PM: The vulnerable consumer in times of greedy institutions. Digital #self-tracking between disruptive technologies and cultural change (Prof. Dr. Selke)

Digital self measurement is an indication of societies to come. I will argue that this is nothing more than a modern-day return to the alchemistic principle. The starting point is always the “common” person, the human who is not yet fully developed, or the human who represents a risk or a source of error. With […]

1 Şubat‘ta saat 19, Orient-Institut Istanbul: İnterkültürel Etikte Bir Sorun Olarak Embriyonun Ahlaki Statüsü (Prof. Dr. Dr. İlhan İlkilic), katılım tüm ilgililere açıktır, sunum dili: türkçe.

1 Şubat‘ta çarşamba günü saat 19:00, Orient-Institut Istanbul:  İnterkültürel Etikte Bir Sorun Olarak Embriyonun Ahlaki Statüsü (Prof. Dr. Dr. İlhan İlkilic) katılım tüm ilgililere açıktır sunum dili: türkçe

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