Day 2: August 8th, 2021
9:30 UK Time
9:30–9:40 Registration
9:40-9:50 Dr Soheila Shahshahani: Welcome Note to Participants
9:50: Panel 5: Is there a Middle Eastern Body?
Convenors: Prof Dr Claudia Liebelt and Dr Melike Şahinol, “Introductory Remarks”
Discussant: Dr Sertaç Sehlikoglu
Session I: Regulating the “Middle Eastern” Body
10:00-10:20 Dr Cimen Gunay-Erkol and Dr Gunes Sezen: “Iskat-I Cenin: Ahmed Rasim’s Critical Approach to Ottoman Bodies”
10:20-10:40 Dr Dani Kranz: “Unwanted Bodies in Israel: Non-Jewish, Female, Partners and Spouses of Israeli Citizens
10:40-11:00 Dr Melike Şahinol and Burak Taşdizen: “Colonizing Men’s Bodies: Nature Culture Metaphors Around Hair Transplantation”
11:00-11:20 Discussion
11:20-11:30 coffee/tea (10 min break)
Session II: (Re)Imagining the “Middle Eastern” Body
11:30-11:50 Dr Mathew Gagne: “Sex apps and the Digital Social Skin of Queer Beiruti Men”
11:50-12:10 Dr Hande Guzel: “(Re)producing the Gendered Middle Eastern Body in Academic Discourse”
12:10-12:30 Kamran Behrouz and Setarreh Fatehi: “a Diasporic Parallax”
12:30-12:50 Discussion
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Commission on the Middle East
in cooperation with Orient-Institut Istanbul
Online via Zoom, August 7-9, 2021
The Re-invention of Traditions in the Middle East
Chair of the Commission: Dr Soheila Shahshahani
Executive Secretary of the Commission: Dr Farniyaz Zaker
Technical Hosting: Dr Katja Rieck