As two members of STS Turkey coordination board, we always strive for establishing sustainable international collaborations, including reflexive discussions on how to practice STS in the post-truth age. As the panel organizers, we hope for a scholarly discussion around this topic in the upcoming panel #166 STS for a post-truth age: comparative dialogues on reflexivity, […]
Month: May 2020
“Everyday Cyborgs: Men with implanted/transplanted hair (and its Eigensinn)” accepted for panel #174 @EASST4S_2020 #ststwitter #masculinities #cyborg #vulnerability
We are very happy that we will be able to present our abstract on Everyday Cyborgs: Men with implanted/transplanted hair (and its Eigensinn) (see below) in the panel #174 Techniques of Resilience. Coping with the Vulnerabilities of Hybrid Bodies by Nelly Oudshoorn during the virtual meeting of EASST/4S Prague 2020 “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance […]
Article “Collecting Data and the Status of the Research Subject in Brain-Machine Interface Research in Chronic Stroke Rehabilitation” published in #somatechnics #ststwitter #BMI #neuroethics
I almost forgot: I would like to thank the editors Iris van der Tuin and Holly Randell-Moon and the guest editors Lotta-Lili Fiedel, Lisa Malich and Sofia Varino very much for letting me contribute to Somatechnics (Edinburgh University Press) Special Issue 9.2 Data Matters: (Un)doing Data and Gender in the Life Sciences. I would like […]
Article “Posthuman cyborg love. The adaptation of the human body into machine-based offers in the sexual domain” submitted, be published #posthumanfeminism #cyborglove #cyborgsex
I have just submitted my article “Posthuman cyborg love. The adaptation of the human body into machine-based offers in the sexual domain” which is going to be published (in German: Posthumane Cyborgliebe. Die Anpassung des menschlichen Körpers an maschinelle Angebote im sexuellen Bereich) in: Bendel, Oliver (ed.): Maschinenliebe. Liebespuppen und Sexroboter aus technischer, psychologischer und […]
İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum alanındaki “E-sağlık: Türkiye’de Öz-Takip Cihazlarının Pratikleri ve Sosyo-Kültürel Boyutları” başlıklı proje tamamlandı
Bu blog yazısı daha önce 30 Nisan 2020 tarihinde Orient-Institut Istanbul Blog’unda yayınlandı (modified 12.5.2020). Yazarlar: Melike Şahinol, Gülşah Başkavak Orient-Institut Istanbul enstitümüzün İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum araştırma alanında yürütülen bir proje daha sona erdi. Almanya Federal Sağlık Bakanlığı (#ZMV | 1 – 2517 FSB 016) tarafından desteklenen ve İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum alanından Dr. Melike […]