#STSTurkey2020 conference on identity construction of STS as a discipline #opportunities #connections #share #make #build #ststwitter CfP (TR) Apr 10 #ststurkey October 14-16 @KonyaBilim @ststurkey @AnkaraUni

We have been stabilizing the STS TURKEY platform for scientists, stakeholders, interested people and artists since 2017 (and actually even earlier) in order to advance the studies of science and technology in (Turkish) society.

This year we would like again to offer opportunities to share ideas, make connections, building a bridge between humanities and social sciences, and increase the visibility of STS related research in Turkey. On this occasion, we call for a high and active participation in our STS TURKEY 2020 conference, which will take place between October 14-16 2020 at Konya Science Center, Konya, Turkey; jointly organized by Ankara University the Department of Science and Society Studies, Konya Science Center and supported by STS TURKEY. This year’s theme focuses on the identity construction of STS as a discipline taking into account epistemic circularity and self-reflexivity.

The deadline for abstract submissions (both proposals and posters) is 10 April 2020. Further details about the call for papers (Turkish) can be found on this page.