Safe the date: 10-12 September 2019, STS TURKEY 2019 Conference (Keynote: Prof. Dr. Wiebe Bijker) at Istanbul Technical University

STS TURKEY 2019 will take place at the Istanbul Technical University,  Turkey, on 10-12 September 2019; jointly organized by Istanbul Technical University, Program on “Science, Technology and Society” and Istanbul Technical University, Humanities and Social Sciences, supported by STS TURKEY.

STS TURKEY is delighted to announce that our keynote speaker is Prof. Dr. Wiebe Bijker (, who is a significant contributor to the field of Science and Technology Studies. Bijker’s fields of research include social and historical studies of science, technology and society.

The STS TURKEY 2019 conference will be in Turkish. We will report from the conference in Turkish and English on Twitter #ststurkey2019 and place it on the STS TURKEY website:

For more information please visit the Turkish conference site at

The Call for Abstracts (TR) is available here: STSTURKEY2019_BildiriCagrisi
