As one of the coordinators of STS TURKEY, I am very proud to announce that we have successfully completed our first “Science, Technology and Society” STS TURKEY winter school.
A description for our STS TURKEY “Science, Technology and Society” winter school with the seminar topics can be found below.
Here are some impressions:
24-26 January 2019 // Orient-Institut Istanbul, Cihangir, Istanbul
As the Turkish Scholarly Network for Science and Technology Studies, one of the objectives of STS TURKEY is to increase the visibility of STS in Turkey by promoting STS research and STS training activities in Turkey and – since our foundation, we have been continuously and intensively working on the development and dissemination of STS in Turkey.
Our first Winter School aims to convey the basic STS theoretical frameworks, important concepts and will introduce participants to related discussions in the STS field, as requested from students and researchers from different fields.
The STS TURKEY Winter School „Science, Technology and Society“ will be held on 24-26 January 2019 in the meeting hall of the Orient-Institut Istanbul, Cihangir. 11 different senior researchers will provide valuable training in 11 different subjects and the Winter School will be completed with a half-day discussion, where the participants have the opportunity to discuss their current research subjects. You can find the course list below.
Course list
STS and Technology
Social construction of technology – Emine Öncüler Yayalar, Asst. Prof. Dr., Bilkent University
Actor-network theory and after – Harun Kaygan, Asst. Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University
(Post) Phenomenology and Human Technology Relations – Melike Şahinol, Dr., Orient-Institut Istanbul
Feminist STS – Pınar Kaygan, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University
STS and Science
History of Science – Feza Günergun, Prof. Dr., Istanbul University
Philosophy of Science – Aydan Turanlı, Prof. Dr., Istanbul Technical University
Science Communication – Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, Asst. Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University
Science and Society – Ali O. İlhan, Asst. Prof. Dr., Özyeğin University
STS and Law
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Law – Başak Ozan Özparlak, Dr., Lawyer
Biomedicine and law – Ipek Sevda Sögüt, Asst. Prof. Dr., Kadir Has University
Bioethics – Hakan Ertin, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul University
Organizer: STS TURKEY Coordination (Arsev U. Aydinoglu, Harun Kaygan, Melike Sahinol)
Supported by: Orient-Institut Istanbul
Final program is available here: kis-okulu-program_v4.