The STS TURKEY coordination team is co-organizing the WorldCafé which deals with the leading question Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman? with Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics (Ankara, Turkey).
The table hosts will cover following topics: Human Enhancement, Mass Surveillance, self-driving vehicles, human-robot conflicts in workplaces, AI Ethics, morality of machines and Future Studies.
The event takes place on November, 28, 5:00-7:00 p.m. within the scope of the 3rd National Conference on Applied Ethics (November 28-30, Turkish speaking conference) at Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey).
I am very happy to be part of the WorldCafé team (and one of the table hosts) and excited to experience the power of collective knowledge.
For more information (turkish): 3UEK_WorldCafe_28Kasım2018 or visit the conference website.