07.09.2023 to 09.09.2023 Fribourg University, Switzerland I had the privilege of being invited as a speaker to the workshop titled “Towards a New Humanity, and Beyond – Debating Post-human Perspectives” held at Fribourg University, Switzerland from September 7th to September 9th, 2023 (more information below). My presentation “Communicating with ALS Patients – a Posthuman Disability […]
Category: Innovation
STS Meets Ethics – STS TURKEY & METU Applied Ethics Research Center Joint Conference 2023, October 31 – November 2 2023 (Ankara, Turkey)
We are thrilled to announce that this year’s STS TURKEY conference will be a joint conference, organized in collaboration with Middle East Technical University (METU) Applied Ethics Research Center (UEAM), and with the valuable support of UEAM, Bilkent University and STS Turkey. The event will take place at the Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, METU Ankara, […]
Hybrid Workshop: Best Practices and Obstacles in Ethics Educationfor Technological and Scientific Challenges, April 27th-28th 2023, Athens
I am honored to have been invited as an expert to the hybrid workshop on “Best Practices and Obstacles in Ethics Education for Technological and Scientific Challenges,” which is organized as part of the EU ERASMUS+ project, ETHICS4CHALLENGES (E4C): Innovative Ethics Education for Major Technological and Scientific Challenges. This two-day workshop will take place on […]
STS TURKEY Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum Kış Okulu 2023
Düzenleyenler / Organizers: Melike Şahinol, Emine Öncüler Yayalar, Şafak Kılıçtepe, Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, Erkan Saka Destekleyen / Supporter: Orient-Institut Istanbul Yer / Venue: Orient-Institut Istanbul, Susam Sokak 16 D.7, Beyoğlu / Istanbul *Dersler Türkçe olarak yapılacaktır. / The lectures will be held in Turkish. Bilim, teknoloji ve iş dünyası, siyaset veya medya gibi toplumsal yaşam […]
Access and Tinkering: Designing Assistive Technologies as Political Practice
with an Interactive Maker Session 3rd meeting of the DFG Research Network Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media I am pleased to share our workshop/ symposium program with you, that I am co-organizing with Tom Bieling (Hamburg), Anna-Lena Wiechern (Lüneburg) and Robert Stock (Berlin). Workshop By drawing on STS, Crip Technoscience (Hamraie/Fritsch 2019) and approaches from participatory design research […]
Kick-Off Meeting: Scientific Network Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media (10-11 Dec 2020)
Our DFG scientific network #DisAbilities & #DigitalMedia has started its activities. I am very excited and look forward to this great kick-off meeting with some public lectures. You can find details about the meeting below. For information about our network please visit our website: https://dis-abilities-and-digital-media.org/ . Agency – Participation – Cooperation The Praxeological Production of […]
Panel: Learning and Doing (Making) for a Healthy Society? with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diler Öner & Zeynep Karagöz, 11 Dec, 19h #OrientInstitut Istanbul #innovation #makermovement #DIY #futureskills
Learning and Innovation Skills for the Future (Diler Öner): The purpose of this talk is to examine the educational outcomes we should be focusing on for the future. Drawing the parallels between industrial revolutions and education in history, I will discuss the potential transformations in education in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I […]
Enhancement und Vulnerabilität. Die Befragung von Kindern mit Prothesen aus dem 3D Drucker
Im Rahmen des am 17. und 18. April 2018 stattfindenden Symposiums „Digitale Selbstvermessung zwischen Empowerment und neuen Barrieren“ werde ich den Vortrag „Enhancement und Vulnerabilität. Die Befragung von Kindern mit Prothesen aus dem 3D-Drucker“ halten. Der gesellschaftliche Trend zur Überwindung der “Natur des Menschen” zeichnet sich insbesondere durch neue technologische Möglichkeiten der Selbstmodifikation und Leistungssteigerung […]
STS TURKEY 2018 bildiri özeti son başvuru tarihi: 1. Nisan 2018
STS TURKEY 2018 Toplum için Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmaları Konferansına bildiri özeti ile son başvuru tarihi, gelen istek üzerine 1 Nisan 2018’e uzatılmıştır. Değerlendirme süreçlerinin aksamaması için ikinci bir uzatma yapılmayacaktır. Konferans hakkında bilgi ve önemli tarihler için ststurkey.net/ststurkey2018 adresine girebilirsiniz. İlginize çok teşekkür ederiz. Uzatma duyurusunu ilgilenecek tüm taraflarla paylaşmanızı rica ederiz. Saygılarımızla, STS […]
STS TURKEY 2018 Toplum için Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmaları Konferansı (10.-11.09.2018, ODTÜ)
Endüstri 4.0, büyük veri, yapay zekâ ve makine ile öğrenme gibi kavramlar, bugün teknokratların veya sanat ve edebiyatın diline mahsus değil; işgücü piyasasından tüketim alışkanlıklarına, politik ilişkilerden kişilerarası ilişkilere kadar her yere nüfûz ediyor. Üreme teknolojileri, estetik cerrahi, nöroteknolojiler, sanal gerçeklik uygulamalarının yaygınlığı, sosyoteknik sistemlerin (enerji, iletişim, vs.) genişleyen kapsamı ve teknobilimin tüm görüngüleri, tüm […]