Month: August 2018

‘Unless they do not build cyborgs’ Ethics missing the point of cyborg constitution in neuroscientific trials? @ 5th Health, Culture and the Human Body Conference (Istanbul)

I’ll be presenting: “‘Unless they do not build cyborgs’ Ethics missing the point of cyborg constitution in neuroscientific trials?” at the Health, Culture and the Human Body. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Genetics and Human Enhancement (4.-6. October 2018, Istanbul, Turkey). You can find the program flyer here: HCHB flyer.   Abstract: ‘Unless they do not […]

Impressions from #stsdiaspora panel @easst2018

Slightly late, but better late than never here are some impressions from our panel “Colliding theories, cultures, and futures. STS view(s) beyond the horizon. Or: STS diaspora” at the EASST 2018 conference “Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together”: Panel description We invite contributions that focus on practices of Science and Technology in Society […]